Thursday, October 21, 2004

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So I was sitting there at 12:45 deciding what to do. Sleep wasn't an option 'cause I only have SCOM in the morning tomorrow, and I'm not even presenting, so alertness is not a factor. Having not played Medal of Honor: Allied Assault in about 9 months, I found myself browsing the MOH:AA server list when I came across one saying "PRO - All Weapons Allowed." Pro. Professional.

Hmm, I thought, i've seen videos of pros, but have never really seen 'em first hand. Now's my chance. I joined the game, and saw Remagen for about 2 seconds before the match switched to Stalingrad. Anyone who has played, and subsequently died, against me in MOH:AA knows full well that Stalingrad is my favorite map.

If you have never played against pros, let me tell you they're good. Very good. There's no time to think. There are too many players in the buildings, and since the buildings are all interconnected, you can't just sit in a corner and be safe. I kept playing and playing, and I was getting plenty of kills, and was getting killed plenty of times. I ended up with 51 frags, including one at the VERY end, just before the map switched. If you look at the screenshot, you can see "Capt NoSprm was sniped by TR_mac_h8r1 in the head". I'm quite proud, seeing as though I came in second on the Allies, and tied for 4th overall [5th if you factor deaths]. Everyone with a mastery of a game should go and play a group of professionals, given the opportunity.

Click here to see the final kill count.

Off to sleep, a proud American. What could be better than personally killing 51 nazis then leaving with the knowledge that nobody was actually hurt?


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