Saturday, October 02, 2004

I miss it.

There are two things I have found myself truly missing.

The first being Adat Ari El's High Holiday services. The choir truly is incredible, and I had to force myself to imagine the melodies as a single woman sang them at Ner Shalom.

The second is classical music. I was fortunate to have ripped Beethoven's 5th and 7th a few months back, but I don't have anything else. They don't let us use P2P networks, although I've found one, called Ares, that works mildly well. However, Classical music is hard to come by on that as well. I found a portion of Beethoven's 9th, and the beginning of Pastoral, but I want to hear both of them so badly. Tchaikovsky's 1812, as well, as the only one I can find has what sounds like looney tunes cannons; not the thundering explosions of the CD at home. When I go back, i'll be doing some ripping.


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