Saturday, October 02, 2004

Shabbat Shalom v'hag sameach

So, how has everyone been? Life is good around here. Last night, I helped the AEPi guys build the booth for rush. We started construction at 12:45am. It was incredibly frustrating, but it was really good times with some of the guys. It is very poorly constructed [they built it and drilled holes while it was on uneven ground] so when we built it on level ground, the holes did not match up. My Maglite flashlight lived up to it's name and served as a hammer to pound the bolts into the holes, only suffering minor surface scratches. Durable little suckers. We finished construction at 4:15am.

Moving along, tonight was the Sukkot celebration with Hillel. It was shabbat also, of course, so we had a quasi-ma'ariv service. It was singing a few songs [l'cha dodi; eli, eli by request] then saying the barchu, shema, that ghetto song for "Adonai Tzfatai Tivtach" before the Amidah [no actual amidah], and mourner's kaddish. Then was dinner, which was quite good, italian genre. After that, another of the AEPi guys had a party at his place. That was a TON of fun. Met a bunch of new people [although I don't remember a single name], had fun dancing. One of the AEPi guys made it his goal to get me completely smashed, hammered, wasted, inebriated, etc. tonight, but I paced myself as i have done in the past, and stopped when I felt that more drinks would bring me closer to that magic threshold than I wanted.

That being said, I am definitely not sober as I type this, but to anyone that reads this and is "disappointed" in me, I ask if you really expected otherwise. One of you adults in particular, as you were saying goodbye to me, said "Just be careful". I think I did just that. I stopped myself when I felt it necessary, took responsibility [especially in tracking down one of the 3 DDs to get back to the dorm], and continue to take care of myself as I munch on food and chug water to ward off the evil hangover. Those of you that truly did expect otherwise, I am here to tell you that you are being quite naive [not enough focus/energy to look up that fancy 'i']. Moving on, a few of us went into the garage and discovered darts. We then discovered the dartboard. An hour later, we left the house. We never kept score from teh dartgame, but I counted each person's total across the four darts that they threw each turn.

I want to come down to LA over a weekend sometime soon, and am thinking the weekend of the 15th, 'cause KenTo [I will be calling you that from now on] is coming down from Berkeley. Rush week starts Monday, so I will officially be an AEPi rushee as of then, and hopefully an AEPi pledge a week after that. Then comes a 5-week pledge period, and finally initiation.

I thought homecoming was the weekend of Nov. 15, which wouldn't make sense, 'cause that's pretty late. I guess I'll try to head down this coming weekend [time to pull the internet out and look at the Greyhound and Amtrak schedules].

I think I covered everything....i'll post other stuff I forgot later.

Shabbat Shalom,


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