Thursday, October 07, 2004

Hell has fucking frozen over.

I had English at 9:30 this morning. At 10:30, I was done with class for the day. I swung by the Alpha Epsilon Pi booth and hung out with the guys, then came back to the dorm. After a 2 hour nap and lunch, I decided that it was time to tidy up. The shocking evidence is as follows. Please take into account that I had not cleaned my room at home for about two and a half years. [Click the pictures for a larger image]

The room.

The bed.

The Desk.

Yes, Katherine Heigl is my girlfriend, although she doesn't know it yet. And yes, in the third picture you can see the taquitos from VG's that I had purchased minutes earlier, and consumed minutes later. It just so happened that when I walked into my room, the tidyness struck me incredibly hard, and I had to take pictures.

++Don't forget you can all comment on the blog by following the "comments" link somewhere over there >>>>>>>


At October 7, 2004 at 2:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go. I hope you enjoy it so much that you want to repeat the process!
A parent

At October 7, 2004 at 6:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ohmigod, i must be hallucinating. this just couldn't be the same "nadamucho" I know. so, it must be someone else's room.
another parent


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