Friday, October 29, 2004


I'm on my laptop right now, in the hallway, right outside my door. Actually, to be precise, my laptop is on me - as it is a lapTOP. I find it quite nice. No noise, other than the random people in rooms in the hallway, and doors opening and closing. I actually like it more than the drone of the computers, and the overpowering temptation to click to the desktop for a "quick" round of MOH:AA or GTA:VC or to pump up the bass and play an IASCA deep bass test to shake the building from it's foundation. It also gets me away from Steve, who, as nice a guy as he is, is just on my nerves.

I'm finishing up an analysis of the first presidential debate, which I watched again earlier this evening. I must say, I'm very unimpressed with both of them. The entire debate was about Iraq, although Kerry was the only one smart enough to remind the world that Iraq didn't attack us, and that this should all be focused on Afghanistan. These brilliant words only lasted a minute or so, as he went right back to talking about Iraq, forcing him to walk a tight line later in the debate as Bush called him on his statements, which taken at face value, appeared to be dangerously close to the infamous "flip-flop."

HERE IS A LINK to the commentary. You may notice that I stole content directly from this blog, as I wrote them concurrently. By the way, I sent in my Absentee Ballot yesterday. Kerry got my vote. Ugh. As said on yesterday's southpark, "You almost always have to make a decision between a giant douche and a shit-sandwich

Goodnight from the hall of Tenaya Hall.


At October 29, 2004 at 3:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so, did you vote for the "giant douche" or the "shit sandwich"?? mama


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