Thursday, December 09, 2004

What have the Palestinians done?

For your info.Saeed
The winners of The Wall Street Journal's 2004 Technology Innovation Awards competition have been announced. Innovators world-wide were considered. The Gold award went to Sun Microsystems Inc of California for a wireless approach to chip design. The Silver award went to Given Imaging Ltd of Yoqneam, Israel for PillCam', a tiny camera that patients swallow so that doctors can see their digestive tract. The Bronze award went to InSightec Image Guided Treatment Ltd. of Tirat Carmel, Israel for 'ExAblate 2000', a nonsurgical way to destroy tumors by focusing ultrasound waves on them. This is a wonderful achievement for Israel. From a world-wide search, Israel took two of the top three places. This should be celebrated by us and brought to the attention of the press world-wide. Israel often receives undeserved bad press. Let us counter this with some positive images. Well done Israel!


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