Saturday, November 27, 2004


What an exciting break it's been so far!

The ride home couldn't have possibly taken any longer. Traffic from Carpinteria all the way to just north of Ventura due to a 4-mile stretch of the 101 being siphoned down to a single narrow lane meant our leisurely 3-hour drive took nearly 6 hours. The ride was cool, though. Shaina and Fred accompanied Jeff and me. First stop was Shaina's house. Met her Dad, sister, and dogs, and fell in love with their new (as in that day) BIG-screen HDTV. I'm gonna be over there alot...hehe. Next stop was Jeff's house. Met his mom and oh-so-cute dog. My dad drove Fred home.

I think I'm gonna have to bring my mattress up with me to SLO. It's comfy.

Went to Citi and Wells, transferred some much needed money for holiday shopping. Went to the Hamlet, then NoHo's football game. They let their lead slip, and 'Lucky' ran out of luck. Such is life. Oh well.

What a cool day. Woke up at 1, got ready for Thanksgiving. At Bob & Michelle's, I wore my AEPi pin, as I was dressed up. I think people are missing the point of my being in AEPi. I'm not doing it to be a 'frat guy.' AEPi's mission is first and foremost to ensure the strength and solidarity of the Jewish community. I guess I didn't make it clear that there was only one fraternity I would consider joining. Of the 18 others on campus, and numerous others I've heard of, none are as relevant or necessary as Alpha Epsilon Pi.

{more later, i'm tired and going to sleep}

Sunday, November 21, 2004

It's official.

Saturday, November 20, 2004


My body is in shock. It has been six years since I have attempted to do something like this, and it was nowhere near the magnitude of what I did last night. I have never gone so far, for so long, been so cold, and have never pushed myself so hard. I have come out stronger and looking back, loved every minute of it.

AEP-SW Colony, baby!

Thursday, November 11, 2004

typing in english on a french keyboard

so iù, here in ?ichqelùs roo,:: heùs french; so his lqptop hqs q french keyboqrd lqyout: I figure itùs q golden opportunity; or so,ething like thqt:::

qnyzqys; Yqssir Qrqfqt is DEQD111111:

thqtùs qll for noz:::hehe thqts kindq gqngstqàlike

peqce out

Wednesday, November 10, 2004


So I was browsing for gifts to give some of my professors as thank-yous, and other holiday gifts for people when I saw the rubik's cube that they sell. I remembered that I sent a picture in a while ago, and it has finally surfaced!

Monday, November 08, 2004

Come to think of it...

The Republican National Committee announced today that the Republican Party is changing its emblem from an elephant to a condom. The committee chairman explained that the condom more clearly reflects the party's stance today, because a condom accepts inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of pricks, and gives you a sense of security while you're actually getting fucked.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

From another AIM profile:

How many NorCal people does it take to screw in a lightbulb?


Fuck it all

I know Kerry stated that he wanted a clean election, but SHIT!, why would anyone concede when the votes haven't even been counted yet??

Maybe Bush will get really badly drunk and choke on another pretzel, leaving him with MORE permanent brain damage, and Cheney will have a heart attack when he's declared president. Maybe we'll get a little more sense knocket into the white house. Probably not, but maybe.

On a different note, I discovered that microwaving a croissant leaves one with a very soft, oily piece of bread. Next time I'll head for the oven.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Election night

10:10 pm. CNN reports
48,466,339 51% 249
45,115,178 48% 196

SHIT, Guys, the Republicans are coming! Flee the country! But I am le'tired. Fine, zen take a nap. ZEN FLEE THE COUNTRY!!!

Monday, November 01, 2004

Kerry WILL win.

"As mentioned before, the last home game the Redskins play before the election has predicted who will win since 1944. Well, the Redskins v. Green Bay game ended a few hours ago and it looks as though Kerry is going to win on Tuesday."