So I was feeling better last night. Went out to Eisenberg's house for his party. Started off great; played a round of King's Cup, got to dancing. Then the party kinda dwindled down and got kinda lame. I wasn't really feelin' it. So, I got a ride back with Dan. Nadim, who has kinda become the dorm doctor [huh, an Indian doctor. whoda thunkit??] went hunting through his pharmacy in search of decongestants that played nicely with alcohol, as my head became completely stuffed up. Unsuccessful. So I went to bed. 12:30.
An hour later, I woke up really needing to pee. I got out of bead, slightly nauseous. Went to the bathroom and peed like I just got out of hibernation. Back to bed. Hour and a half later, same thing. Repeated again at 4am, but heading over to the stall and heaving. Yippee. The alarm was still set for 9:15, when I had to get up to go to an AEPi philanthropy event. More work at the synagogue. I really wanted to go. The time came, and I felt like shit. Had to turn the alarm off. Awesome Zach came into my room at 9:45 and tapped me awake, asking if I was going. I told him I was sick, and he left shortly after that. Now I'm awake, and still feel like shit. I love Progresso, though, 'cause they have tabbed cans, and now you can microwave the soup. No need to hunt down authorities to open the kitchen. Yay. i'm off to bed again. Really just tired. peace.
Damn, waay too long since the last post. I'm not going to bother writing everything that's happened since the last post. Happy New Year, though.
All you info-mongers are begging for details of the first week, so here's the breakdown.
CSC141: Discrete structures
Interesting class. All about logic. Lots of homework, but it's pretty cool. Parham is a pretty good teacher so far, but really teaches from her handouts. Friday kinda pissed me off. After finishing my homework for CPE102 at around 2am [took about 2 hours for me to figure out why the Java was compiling but not running on my computer], I spent 2 hours in the Study Lounge downstairs doing the homework for Discrete Structures. Got to sleep at 4:15-ish. Got up at 7 for the 8:00 class. First thing I did, as always, was check my email. First message I recieved was: 141 Students:I am really sorry to do this, but I got the flu yesterday and I am in bad shape this a.m. Class is canceled for Friday. I will be there on Monday.Save your homework and turn it in on Monday. NOOOO!!!!! What bullshit! Staying up 'til 4am doing homework, and waking up an hour early for a class that didn't happen. Ugh.
Math142: Calculus 2
Cake. Chill teacher. Short Asian dude. He uses the computer in the class a lot. This one program, Maple, is awesome. I gotta get my hands on it.
CPE102: Fundamentals of Computer Science II
Very cool class. I already know everything!!! YAYAAAHHHhh!!!! We had our first lab on Wednesday, and the teacher is already impressed. We had a lab assignment regarding fractions. One function we had to write, in order to reduce a fraction, found the GCD of the numerator and denominator. There's this Euclidean method where if you have an X and a Y, you compare X and Y. If they're equal, it's either X or Y. If they're not equal, you subtract the smaller from the larger, rinse, and repeat. Dr. Hasmik Gharibyan's intention was for us to write about 20 lines of code for the method itself, not including it's declaration/braces. The following is what I came up with:
private int GCD(int x, int y)
if (x==y)
{return x;}
That's right. Five lines. When Gharibyan passed, I asked if it was "alright." She spent a good 3 minutes looking it over. And over. And over. And over again, looking for glitches and any condition where it wouldn't work. Then she asked what I got in CPE101. I said I didn't take it. She gawked. She said she's never had a student properly impelent a recusive method in the first lab of a 102 class. yay me.
Moving on, the Hillel dinner was awesome. Really good service, great mexican food, great decorations, provided by my momma, and we FINALLY did the birkat afterward. Went to Aaron's house for a keg. Started off VERY lame. HUGE sausage-fest. For the first hour and a half, there were six girls. Four had boyfriends and were occupied with them. Sad. Eventually, the fem-jew-crew arrived, already buzzed, and the party got started. Tons of fun ensued, Felicia dragged me into a circle of 6 girls, so I essentially just moved around the circle. Gooood times. We went back to Jeff's to finish off the last few drops of Smirnoff Raspberry from the New Year party [and the obligatory shot of Slivovitz]. Evan and Jeff both went to sleep, and declared that I was in charge. Excellent. I decided a grilled cheese sandwich was a good idea, so I was bringing out the cheese and bread, and Evan pulled out the George Forman grill. I said "nah, nah, nah. Gotta make a REAL grilled cheese, none of that Forman shit. Where's your frying pan?" I then made the three greatest sandwiches in
the history of my cooking career. We chilled out 'til about 3, and Dan took me and Alex home. Of all the parties and nights at Poly, it was the most fun I've had on any given night, and it wasn't like I got totally plastered, hammered, sloshed, wasted, fucked-up, shit-faced, blasted, gone, passed-out, messed-up, loopy, tipsy, or drunk; just a bit buzzed and happy.
Tonight, I went with Gabby, Kelley, Carson, Myles, and Kim to Firestone's to celebrate Myles' birthday. Very good food. Ordered a Caesar salad, and when I saw how big it was, I had to cancel the burger. Still couldn't finish the salad, which means, yes, soggy caesar in the morning!!! We went to Bali's afterward, got some of that left over too.
I think that's all for now.
FUCK FUCK FUCK that FUCKING Trimspa commercial is on again. AAAHHHHH. And Girls Gone Wild commercials too. Fucking terrible. Doug Stanhope is a DOUCHE, and the girls are disease-ridden, surgically 'enhanced', plastered, hammered, sloshed, wasted, fucked-up, shit-faced, blasted, gone, passed-out [there's probably a girls gone wild for that too], messed-up, loopy, tipsy, drunk SLUTS.