Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Friday, December 10, 2004
Thursday, December 09, 2004
What have the Palestinians done?
For your info.Saeed
The winners of The Wall Street Journal's 2004 Technology Innovation Awards competition have been announced. Innovators world-wide were considered. The Gold award went to Sun Microsystems Inc of California for a wireless approach to chip design. The Silver award went to Given Imaging Ltd of Yoqneam, Israel for PillCam', a tiny camera that patients swallow so that doctors can see their digestive tract. The Bronze award went to InSightec Image Guided Treatment Ltd. of Tirat Carmel, Israel for 'ExAblate 2000', a nonsurgical way to destroy tumors by focusing ultrasound waves on them. This is a wonderful achievement for Israel. From a world-wide search, Israel took two of the top three places. This should be celebrated by us and brought to the attention of the press world-wide. Israel often receives undeserved bad press. Let us counter this with some positive images. Well done Israel!
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
My how it's been a while!
Boston allows parking violators to pay tickets with toys for needy kids
I think that's awesome. There should be more programs like that.
"93 MPH, Officer? Really? Goodness that's fast. I didn't know my car could do that! Oh well, here's a Rubik's cube. See ya!"
So Chanukah is upon us, and lotsa presents have been bought with lotsa money (even for Andrew!). I did some 'me' shopping too, finally bought the 4x4 and 5x5. Yeah, about time.
Last night Hillel had the honor of lighting the Chanukah candles at the Mission in town. It was fairly uneventful. The news people were there, but I didn't see the news, so I don't know how much coverage there actually was. Oh well. We sang the prayers and a pair of songs, and pretty much dispersed. Most of us went to the new Sushi joint in town, which was MOST impressive. I gave Jeff his birthday present, "The Ultimate Guide to Bartending." He got a nice kick out of that, and I'm sure we'll put it to good use. Two of the Theta sisters were with us for the candle lighting and dinner, and are VERY interested in photocopying pages, but we'll probably arrange a social or something - turn it into a party. I pitched a 'bring your best drink' idea to Jeff after I came up with it out of the blue on Monday, and he loved it. Kane pitched some ideas that help tweak it. We may be seeing it next quarter.
Speaing of social, I'm now on the AEP social committee and philanthropy committee. We planned to have a "Latkes and Vodka" party last Friday, but it was planned for the house of the guy that was supposed to host it. Things didn't work out, and it got moved, so it turned into a standard, run-of-the-mill college party. Don't get me wrong, it was a ton of fun. I was behind the bar, and see why Jeff and Evan enjoy it so much. You get to meet everyone at the party, serve them all, mix drinks, and there's a bit of crowd control when unruly bastards try to grab the bottle of Vodka from the table for their own personal use. "Nuh-uh, this is MY bar. You drink what I make or you drink NOTHING." Considering that these are the people that really wanna get drunk, they're the easiest to deal with. They shut up very quick-like and drank everything I 'gave' them. These two dudes were already really hammered, so I pretty much just gave them water and two different fruit-punches. They asked why it didn't taste like there was alcohol in it, and I merely replied that I mixed it very well. Fuckin' idiots.
Anyways, we went back to Jeff's, where we gave him the cake Shaina bought for him (we planned to bake it, but time doesn't agree on occasion). We planned to decrease his sobriety, but he had a final today, and school always comes first. He was the awesome host he always is and made drinks for other people that didn't have much to do (I stayed dry so I could study study study). 'twas a good time. The parents called just as things got going, so I had to keep it short.
In other news, I just discovered I've been on AIM for the past 3 days with a "Killing nazi scum" away message without my knowledge. 40 messages. Whoops. Sorry guys and gals.
I think that's all for now. Back to studying, with intermittent breaks for GTAIII.
Can't wait to see you all this vacation. I might throw a party in SO (I like how I'm in SO at home, and SW at CalPoly) for VNHS & CalPoly people. Heh, maybe I'll just invite people I'm connected to on FaceBook. Maybe not.
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
This will be interesting.
The Tenaya PCF Bible Study wants to take ALL of Tenaya out to Bali's this Thursday (dead week) at 8 p.m. Invite everyone. Meet in the lobby.
Maybe I'll have Jeff swing by with a baseball bat. Thump some bible thumpers, perhaps?
haha, just kidding
Some shit went down at the end of the weekend, kinda put a damper on things, so I couldn't finish recalling the earlier times. I'll get to it, I hope.