Friday, December 19, 2008


Howl, last Sunday.

I find it curious that when guys show up with a mohawk, there must have been a moment when he consiously stood in front of the mirror and said to himself, "I'm gonna give myself a mohawk tonight".

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This ain't your grandmother's death metal.

I wish there were words specific enough to describe what's happening right now.

I'm sitting patiently in the corner booth of the Cobalt Club waiting
for Alain's girlfriend's band to come on, and....I'm simply at a loss
for words regarding the current performance.  The audience, which must
be the performers' 16 year old friends, are dancing in a fashion only
comparable to...well... You ever see American History X? The neo-nazi
youth camp? That. That's how they were dancing. Maybe combined with
bits of Left-4-Dead zombie. The music didn't stray.

Alex Korzh puts it best: "LOUD NOISES".

The drummer made a beer reference, to the delight of the "audience".
Comedy at its finest?

Sammy assured me that her band was NOTHING like this. Relief.